I will be teaching you how to install your WordPress theme. Whether you have been a WordPress user for years and need a refresher course or you’re just starting out looking to learn how. This tutorial is on how to install your Genesis framework and child theme. (at the bottom I will teach you how to install any other theme)
Let’s jump in with a few basic questions before moving on to the tutorial. Jacqui what is this Genesis framework and child theme you mentioned?
What’s a Framework?
A theme framework is a robust WordPress theme that acts as a platform on which your WordPress website can be created. The Genesis Framework integrates all of the SEO, security, and performance features needed to help you have the best site possible. You can build your site on the Genesis Framework using my FREE child theme Style And Wit (included with you download is the framework), or you can purchase one of the many beautiful child theme designs to help you accomplish exactly what you want. Check out my themes section.
What’s a Child Theme?
A child theme is a layer of code that sits on top of the Genesis Framework and is comprised mainly of the design elements of your site, but can also extend and modify the functionality of the Genesis Framework’s default functions. The Framework + Child Theme structure of site building is great because it separates the performance issues of your site from the design issues.
Think of it this way; WordPress (mainly your hosting) is the land your house sits on, The Framework is the structure of your house is built (the walls, roof and so on) and how many bedrooms/bathrooms it is. The Child Theme is the way your house is laid out, the colors use, the way the furniture is placed and how it’s interiorly designed.
Okay now that has been said; let’s start the tutorial.
First thing that needs to be mentioned; the Genesis Framework has to be installed before your child theme! If you don’t have the Framework installed it will not work.
Download your Framework and Child theme — save them onto your desktop.
Now login to your website (www.domain.com/wp-admin , replace the domain with yours).
Now that you have logged into your dashboard, Click on Themes (Appearance>Themes).
Once in the Themes page, Click on “Add New”
Click “Upload Theme”
Time to upload your theme, BUT remember first you have to install the Genesis Framework first. Click “Browse” and select the Framework and click “Install Now”
Once the Framework has installed, click on “Return to Themes page“. At this time if the Framework needs to be updates, please do so at this time.
Now to install the Child Theme, follow all steps above but you want to click “Activate” the theme. If you are installing a new Child Theme you don’t need to reinstall the Framework (its already installed) and just install the Child Theme.
Are you wanting to install a theme that doesn’t require a Framework? Follow the steps and click “Activate” in the first process instead of “Return to Themes page”
Did you think is would be more complicated? It isn’t that complicated, really.
On to lesson 5